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METALCONSULT's direct field of expertise comprises the activities related to:

Conceptual design development;
Basic and detailed products development;
Planning and assistance;
Special equipment design;
Industrial electrical design;
Hydraulic design;
Metallurgical equipment design;
Civil construction design;
Advisement on metallurgical procedures;
Optimization and automation of existing installations;
Plants and industrial procedures automation;
Project consulting in the fields of control of liquid, gaseous and solid effluent(s).

METALCONSULT's expertise englobes the following specialties:

Plant projects for the production of ferroalloys, such as:
- Ferrosilicon;
- Silicon Metal;
- FeMn AC (Ferromanganese);
- SiMn (Silicomanganese);
- CaSi (Calcium Silicon);
- CaC2 (Calcium carbide);
- FeNi (Ferronickel);
- FeCr (Ferrochromium);
- FeP (Ferrophosphorus/thermophosphate).
Plant design for special products, such as:
- Cathodic protection (Anode production);
- Tin (Metallic tin production);
- Manganese (Manganese sinter production);
- Alumina (Brown fused alumina production originated from bauxite);
Fused alumina processing for refractory industry
Spent pot lining (S.P.L.) processing generated in aluminum production industry;
Environmental control systems, notably in the field of air pollution;
Handling, transport and destruction of industrial waste;
Optimization procedures of ceramic industry (heavy clay);
Installation, equipment and optimization improvements;
Specific design under request.

Rua Gumercindo Couto e Silva, 936 - Itapoă - Belo Horizonte - MG | Tel: +55 31 3441 0540

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